Program Coordinator
Ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Mikulits
Medical University of Vienna
Center for Cancer Research
Borschkegasse 8a
1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1- 40160 57527
Short description
The PhD thesis program Malignant Diseases is a multidisciplinary research-driven training program at the MedUni Vienna. The PhD program fully complies with the Bologna criteria and operates in the interdisciplinary environment of the Comprehensive Cancer Center. It provides PhD students with a profound theoretical background as well as excellent practical skills in experimental approaches using cellular and animal tumor models to (i) identify tumor-specific regulatory mechanisms and therapeutic targets, (ii) investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogens to understand cancer causes, and (iii) analyze exogenous and endogenous factors contributing to tumor development. In translational approaches, the results are applied to develop diagnostic and prognostic procedures, new therapies, and preventive strategies. The participating research groups are engaged in international research projects in the areas of basic tumor biology as well as translational and clinical oncology.