Das Doktoratsprogramm Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) ist eine Plattform für klinische PhD-Projekte auf dem Gebiet der Neuroonkologie im Rahmen der Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Nervous System Unit (CCC-CNS).
Die neuroonkologischen CLINS PhD Projekte basieren auf klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die sich in den unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbereichen des multidisziplinären Feldes der Neuroonkologie an der MedUni Wien ergeben.
Die aktuellen PhD Themen entstammen aus den Bereichen der Internistischen und Pädiatrischen Neuroonkologie (Analyse der kognitiven Fähigkeiten/Quality of Life bei Hirntumor-Patienten), Neuroradiologie (innovatives multimodales Imaging von Hirntumoren), Neurochirurgie (Optimierung neurochirurgischer Eingriffe mittels innovativer intraoperativer Hirntumorvisualisierung), Neuropathologie (Epidemiologie von Hirntumoren, morphologische und molekulare Analytik von Hirntumoren), und Biostatistik (geographische Epidemiologie und Überlebens-bezogene Outcome-Analytik).
Prof. Dr. Johannes Hainfellner
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Wien
Type of study:
Postgraduate doctoral studies of medical neurosciences at the Medical University of Vienna (University code: N790)
Duration, ECTS:
6 semesters, total of 180 ECTS points (46 points for lectures, 134 points for dissertation).
Title awarded:
The official Austrian title is Doctor scientiae medicinae, Dr. scient. med.
In international correspondence, PhD may be used as title instead of Dr. scient. med., e.g. in case of medical graduates name and title will read as follows: First-name Family-name MD PhD
In case of non-medical graduates name and title read as follows: First-name Family-name MSc PhD
Short description of CLINS
Purpose of CLINS: To accredit early stage medical scientists with scientific competence which enables them to improve biomedical practice by means of research
Neuroscience is a main focus of research and high-end medicine at the Medical University Vienna.
The aim of Clinical Neurosciences is innovation in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of disorders of the nervous and muscular systems.
The professional doctoral program ?Clinical Neurosciences? (CLINS) addresses neurological, psychiatric and neuro-muscular disorders in fetus, children, and adults. Interdisciplinary interaction of diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines in combination with basic biomedical research is a key element of the program.
CLINS will provide students with scientific competence enabling them to improve biomedical practice by means of research.
CLINS is complementary to the basic research PhD program ?Neuroscience? (coordinator: Johannes Berger, Brain Research Institute). Mutual guest lectures and translational research projects will link the applied and basic research doctoral programs.
For more information:
» www.meduniwien.ac.at/clins (please log in as a guest)